There is always two sides of a coin, the front portion and the back portion, both are dependent on each other and cannot survive without the other, same is the case in businesses, on one side are the stars of the business, as the business development, the decision-makers etc. and on the other side are the people who help in making this a possibility. These sides can be termed as front office and back office. The front office is like the rock stars that are groomed for fans/public adulation and the personnel who make this a possibility, e.g., the hairdresser, makeup man, etc. can be equated as the back office.

The back office is a part of a company made up of administration and support personnel who do not face the client. Some of the back-office functions are record maintenance, managing the database, regulatory compliances, performing market research, processing projects, accounting & IT services. While back-office operations do not create revenue directly, their support for the front office is very critical for a company’s success. 

The company’s back office is the lifeblood of everything your business does and will do. Behind the captivating exterior and desirable product offerings, however, at the heart of most of the successful business, you will find a well-functioning back-office that supports and provides the platform for organizational growth. The efficiency and reliability of your back-office ensure the health of your business and allows you to continue to do what you do the best that is focus on your core competencies. 

The back office should help strengthen the infrastructure of your business by establishing and maintaining efficient business operations. More and more organizations are getting to understand the benefits of outsourcing back-office operations. Outsourcing back-office functions are helping more companies get big returns. They can improve the quality of their operations and scale their business strategies. Outsourcing partners can provide highly efficient solutions. 

The jobs that do not require one to be present for clients and other external-facing tasks could be outsourced. The most outsourced back-office functions are as listed below:

  • Data Entry: The process of taking the stored data and inserting it into a computer system through a data entry interface. Copy pasting the data from the source to the destination. Some data has to be entered after proper research & interpretation. This becomes complicated depending on the nature of business.

  • Human Resources & Administration: HR functions like hiring, audit, compensation, retention, leave management, performance management, building better procedures, and workflow, etc. could be outsourced.

  • IT Functions: One of the most important functions of a company is IT support. After-sales support or technical support is very important to any company to obtain customer satisfaction. Sometimes it becomes difficult to manage all these IT support functions and thus these functions could be outsourced.

  • Payroll Functions: All the companies are jumping the bandwagon after realizing the importance of outsourcing the payroll functions. Earlier only large size companies reaped the benefits of outsourcing the payroll functions, but these days small & medium-sized companies have also understood the benefits. By outsourcing the company’s payroll work saves cost which they could have to bear by costly payroll tax or calculation errors and ensuring that the employees are paid properly and on time.

  • Marketing: By outsourcing digital or inbound marketing, can help you strategize and execute across multiple marketing channels while you focus on executing other business functions. You can stick to your budget & reap the benefit of awesome marketing staff. It will lighten the load of your company and can pay attention to other aspects. Since they are in the hands of an expert, you can be more relaxed. 

Other functions could be accounting, Legal, e-commerce, content writing, research, application verification, claims processing, mediation, digital transcription, enterprise data management, etc.